Thursday, May 29, 2014

How to drve your Mom nuts: Potty training edition.

A bit of advice and how-to for the 15 month-4t crowd.

It's that time in our house. I'm ready to be done with diapers.  Actually, I was ready a while back and actually had a lot of success getting C to sit and even pee on the potty.

That was in the good old days, when I had time before work to nurse for hours and then sit with C while she processed all that into something potty-worthy.

That was before I started working fulltime and entertaining C while Paddy works in the evenings.

Now, omg. How do people with kids and fulltime jobs do it?

I'm lucky if I can drag myself out of bed on time and pack my lunch before running out the door already five minutes late before dealing with traffic.

Luckily, we've developed a routine that seems to be working for us. But fitting potty training into that routine? Well, it's coming, but slowly. Yesterday, I managed to sleep through the wake-up-the-baby-and-bring-her-to-nurse-in-bed alarms. All three of them. (Go me!) Which left little time for nursing or potty sitting. This morning, I managed to wake up nearly on time but still managed to make it out of the house late.

I'm blaming this one on C, however. She got to sit and pee (yay!) on the potty, but that mess takes forEVER.

And then this evening, for the pee-before-bedtime potty-sitting session, she invented a new game.

Let me explain the concept since there don't seem to be any rules: you sit on the potty for just long enough for Mom to think you're going to stay there, then you get up and move the potty. Repeat a few times. Then, just to shake things up a bit, move the potty, then pop a squat right where the potty started out, which (since .5% of my readers have yet been to my house) I'll explain was right over the A/C vent.

Um. So, yeah.

And that, dear potty-training crowd, is how to drive your mom nuts.

And now pictures:
First the neighbors:
That would be a cat and a turkey. The standoff they had going was quite amusing.  

A cuddle before we left for daycare (featuring baby's first bun!).

Drinking and driving, for shame!

I think she enjoyed our trip (with all the cousins!) to Frying Pan Farm Park!
Now I guess I should get back to something actually productive.