Saturday, March 22, 2014

Give and take

We're in such a give-and-take mode recently. Like the universe is conspiring against me just to see how much stress I can take.

We bought a house, but some jerk totaled Paddy's car. Our house is move-in-ready (gross, old kitchen aside), but I found the back door completely unlocked when I went to clean early in the week. We replace Paddy's car, but mine goes down with a blown engine valve. The valve is reparable, but the shop here wants $3300 (not happening). I get a great job offer, but I have to leave my baby.

See where I'm going here?

And that's not all of it. That's just what came stream of consciousness in the two minutes it took me to write it down.

But life is changing, I guess that's the point. Today, I'm starting our major push to move our things into the new house. Of course, nothing is packed beyond the things that didn't get unpacked when we moved back to VA. And they didn't get unpacked cause I was 8,000 years pregnant when we moved. So that's supposed to make it easier, right?

Wrong, this morning I woke an hour before my alarm. I wanted to hit up a kids consignment sale at one of the local churches before starting to pack. And Charlie decided she wanted to wake up too, just 30 minutes after me. Which of course meant a two-hour nursing session in bed before I managed to escape, leaving Paddy in charge.

And came back to find this:

And I can't really hold it against them. They're just too cute.

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