Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You know you're a grown up...

You buy your first car.
You buy your first house.
You buy your first deep freezer. ...
Wait. Whut?

Yep, 19ish months after Paddy started couponing, we finally have the space to put a chest freezer. Paddy picked it out. And I took time I couldn't afford to waste on a trip to Lowe's on a trip to Lowe's to see it in person. They didn't have one. But I saw its little sister, so here's hoping it's not going to go horribly wrong and be completely unexpected when it arrives.

In other news: Hello awesome sales. I can't wait to stock up on meats and be able to freeze bread products. And make freezer jam like my mom used to do. And I certainly can't wait to have a place to put all the fruit I want to buy at the farmers markets this year.

The only kinda weird thing is where we're going to put the freezer. We have a few options, I guess. We could put it in the dining room portion of the kitchen/dining room or we could put it in the butler's pantry (formerly laundry room? but now they've moved the laundry out so what do you call that space) but it'll only fit if we move the fridge out of there (cause seriously, who puts a fridge in a pantry).

That'll be something we think on, I'm sure, until the moment Lowe's delivers our first big, for-the-house purchase.

And because no blog is complete with out a picture:
Here's Charlie reading her bedtime book to Paddy on Sunday. It was really cute, her diligently turning pages and talking the whole time. I just wish he'd been awake.

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