Saturday, April 5, 2014

Radio silence

This is the post you should have had before we made our grand 14ish mile sojourn to our new house. It would have come sooner but the internet service industry just isn't what it used to be any more. And good grief, waiting for internet... NOT FUN.

But while we were away I started tracking all the words Charlie says. I've got a list. Somewhere under the mess in the kitchen. I'll have to drag it out.

So I guess this week's accomplishments include me not being late once for my new starts-at-8 a.m. job, Paddy and me getting our bed set up (last night) and Charlie learning to close doors. Mostly she closes us in the bathroom in between playing with the toilet paper roll and the drawers under the sink. But she's also found she can just as easily close the front door, mostly when I've got the windows open and actually want the breeze. C'est la vie.

And there aren't any pictures today, cause frankly it would be of the unorganized box fort that we're currently calling home.

More later, including that list of Charlie's vocabulary.

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